So this week Tuuq and I are jumping on to introduce our newest family member, Portland! I know right, I’m thrilled to bits! No, I’m seriously you geyes. No sarcasm, I love this little geye. His start to life was … Explore More!
So this week Tuuq and I are jumping on to introduce our newest family member, Portland! I know right, I’m thrilled to bits! No, I’m seriously you geyes. No sarcasm, I love this little geye. His start to life was … Explore More!
As the eldest I am the best behaved. I get a lot of Love from just being me. But there are plenty of tricks I use on Mum and Dad 😉
With Great Hair Comes Great Responsibility.
My biological … Explore More!
Mostly I’m a good boy, most-ly.
I’m as happy go lucky as a husky can be. Very little ruffles my fur. I run through life just trying to find mates to have a good time with. Most of the time … Explore More!
With all my energy looking for an escape all of the time, I am known to get myself into, how to say, a little bit of mischief. But only a little. Most of it’s not my fault. I get blamed … Explore More!
I can be a bit of male diva. I can throw the occasional tantrum. Especially if someone else tries to boss me around.
I’m only 20kgs but all this hair makes me look huge. Which is just fine.
I get … Explore More!
I’m Anuk. A Black and White, 4 Year Old, Male Woolly Siberian Husky.
I’m the oldest, wisest and of-course, best looking brother. You can’t have hair like this and not get attention. Humans have called me majestic, iconic, handsome, stunning…. … Explore More!
I’m Tuuq. A Red and White, 2 Year Old, Male Siberian Husky.
I’m the youngest of the 2 and the most athletic. Smarter? Maybe. Fittest? Definitely. I’m built to run and pull. Mum and Dad say it’s in my genes. … Explore More!
Husky Bros blog will follow the weekly antics of the 2 doggos that are on campus every day. Follow the lives of these 2 Huskies and see what it’s like to be Team Dogs and a … Explore More!