The Wolfhouse Approach to Canine Education:

“A Wolfhouse educational philosophy that enlightens dogs to the understanding that,
they can influence the world around them.”
The Monarch Movement is a philosophy that is an incorporation of progressive and dynamic learning to enable the canine to understand it can influence its own life experience.
It’s recognition that, like the butterfly metamorphosing from a caterpillar, change, discipline and determination are required to enable this canine to live its best life. It is education that is not governed by a single quadrant or boundary. It’s dynamic and tailored to each individual.
It’s support in numbers as a community, to take a Monarch Butterfly sized migration from shore to shore, goal to goal, in an accomplishment of what can seem unfathomable at the start.
Whether it’s raising a puppy for its life ahead, showing a powerfully built dog not to be afraid of people, or enabling a retired working dog to access its new family’s 4x4...
The Monarch Movement is how.

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Simply, dogs do not display behaviour or complete tasks without the goal of bettering their own situation. Now importantly, that’s from the dog’s perspective based on what has previously bettered its situation. Once the dog understands it can impact its own life, from there it can make its own decisions to correctly influence its future!
The Wolfhouse Campus is all about providing an enriching and educational centric experience that is primal and wilderness focused. The set up is unique to Wolfhouse. The Monarch Movement is a philosophy in education equally unique and exclusive to Wolfhouse and fits in perfectly to the education provided on campus. It's an initiative that celebrates and recognises what we have achieved to date whilst also creating a banner to rally under as we expand into the future. By including the campus’ ‘adventure’ or its unique and highly enriching experience into the available canine educational tools, we are able to clarify how a dog is able to influence its own life for the better. All education provided on or off campus by Wolfhouse uses The Monarch Movement philosophy of canine education. That's not from now on either. We've always done this. Now we have an amazing way to better include you, your family and your dog.
Understanding the level of professionalism, experience and results you are likely to expect from any individual providing education is unbelievably important. You do not hire an electrician without certification to install light switches. In the same way, you do not take a risk on an individual who presents as a dog trainer, but is not certified by any legitimately recognised body who simply had a really tough family dog this one time and walks the neighbourhood dogs after work. This person is not a dog trainer/educator/teacher.
Educators in The Monarch Movement and on campus at Wolfhouse are certified. Depending on their position, Educators are either studying or have completed the Cert III in Dog Behaviour and Training (22542VIC) provided by the National Dog Training Federation and Precise Training. It is Nationally Accredited under the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and is therefore the only government regulated and recognised dog education certificate that is specific to canine education. This is the minimum requirement in qualifications we ask for before we even begin the Educator’s journey into providing an education under The Monarch Movement philosophy. There is no substitution or shortcuts to this approach. No equivalent online courses based on a server overseas and no lower-level broader courses delivering an education in Animal Care which touches on animal training.
Proudly, education completed under The Monarch Movement is always taught by certified professionals.
Would you like to know more about the certification? Here are some useful links below:
On campus, team are divided into two. The Adventure Team and the Academic Team. It’s the Academic team that fall under The Monarch Movement. So, whilst all Monarch Movement team members are Wolfhouse team members, not all Wolfhouse team members are accountable for providing education under The Monarch Movement. This new educational direction in Wolfhouse sees the Academic Team lead the change in how education is provided on campus.
The Wolfhouse team as a whole are a diverse, balanced, dynamic and confident team. We create high performance family units here within and amongst the Adventure and Academic team. These dynamic family units are constantly evolving as the resources, elements, and environment change throughout each day/week/year. We provide structure in what we do in both adventure and education delivery by how we initiate our dogs into each pack. Every dog's day is different, from one day to the next, from dog to dog. Variety is incredibly important to the experience. You won't find a run sheet here or an inflexible method of providing education. It’s all about what’s in the best interest of the dog to achieve the education required under The Monarch Movement.
More than anything else, each dog is incredibly complex in how they learn with some vastly different from others. We have diverse experience in helping dogs of all backgrounds unlock their own level of unique happiness, primarily by ensuring it understands how to better its own situation. A dynamic and family approach to learning, balanced confidence and safety is what you will find under The Monarch Movement.
Programs, Certificates, Courses, Classes and how to enrol!
Stick with us here, there is a bit going on! First up, we will explain how we use each of these words so you can follow us though the process:
- Programs refer to the entire educational program.
- Certificates refer to the individual accreditations earned in each program.
- Courses refer to a full or half term enrolment to learn each certificate.
- Classes are individual days enrolled if enrolment for a full term is not possible.
We operate several programs under The Monarch Movement with certificates under each program completed by individual classes or term long courses.
The Monarch Movement Certifications are accreditations earned from completing various syllabi along the selected educational pathway. These are certifications that recognise educational completion and a practical demonstration of learnt skills in order to be awarded the certification.
Simply, these certificates not only credit the dog with completing the education but also demonstrating the correct behaviour to the correct level.
Lets have a look at our programs and the certificates offered in each:
Behaviour Modification certificates provide an education in modifying pre-existing behaviours. Usually, this education involves modifying an old undesired behaviour into a new desired behaviour as the result of an introduction to a stimulus.
In a real world example, this could be reactivity when seeing another dog, aggression when a human arrives at the dog’s place of residence or a display of extreme anxiety in new and unfamiliar environments.
Certificates are gained in the following succession in order:
Creating the essential prerequisite foundation of learning surrounding reinforcement, foundation level desirable behaviours, safety expectations and foundation conditioning to the program.
Creating a set framework of desired behaviours and their relationship to reinforcement to achieve specific modified behaviour goals.
Applying modified behaviours to structured scenarios set by existing framework to expand and increase towards desired criteria.
Application of modified behaviours in structured real world scenarios to future proof the modified behaviour in various applications.
After we have identified which certificate is the most appropriate starting point, certifications are then completed in succession until the final certificate in Behaviour Modification, being the Certificate in Educational Placement is completed and the dog graduates from the Behaviour Modification program.
This program is designed to focus on any types of behaviour modification including dog-dog / dog-human / dog-stimulus appropriate behaviours. Including but not limited to:
- Education of dogs with correct dog-dog specific education, appropriate meet & greets, play style adaptation and overall dog interaction generalisation.
- Dog-human specific education including but not limited to generalising appropriate human handling, appropriate behaviour when interacting with a variety of humans, including strangers/males and trades persons etc along with generalising multiple handlers for any and all components in a dogs overall Educational Plan.
- Dog-stimulus education focusing on displaying correct and appropriate behaviours around a specific stimulus and developing and generalising environmental awareness and appropriate behaviours.
Each dog that is enrolled into the Behaviour Modification Program has an individualised educational plan created that includes all educational skills and requirements needed to complete the required certificates.
Behaviour Modification Full Term Course $1800
Behaviour Modification Single Class $150
MME Placement Enrolment $130
For new families, enrolling your dog with us in Behaviour Modification is completed firstly, by a single day/class that is the initiation day to determine if this program is recommended for your family and if so, which certificates to complete. Then enrolment into a Behaviour Modification Course which runs for 12 weeks across an entire term or multiple Behaviour Modification classes which can be booked as available.
For current families, when checking in next ask our welcoming team to add an Academic Checkout at the end of your enrolment to discuss this program further.
With in the program, the above Certificates excluding BMEP1: Certificate in Educational Placement, are achieved by enrolling in a Behaviour Modification Course or multiple Behaviour Modification Classes within our portal. However based on the dog’s individualised Education Plan, either all Certificates or only selected relevant Certificates may needed to be achieved in order to graduate from the program. The Academic Team will inform which Certificates may be needed.
Enrolment to complete the BMEP1: Certificate in Educational Placement, is slightly different. This is NOT enrolled using a course or a class but a specialised enrolment type which is located in the Enrolments category titled 'MME Placement' in your Portal.
Dogs continue to enrol in Behaviour Modification Courses/Classes/Placement each term until the Academic Team is able to assess all certificate components required to graduate to the next Certificate or from the program.
This is a little complex so speak with us at check out, or via the phone or email if you have any questions! But, if you're all set:
Obedience certificates are focused around teaching new skills and behaviours. This contrasts with Behaviour Modification certificates which commonly work on modifying old behaviours AND teaching new behaviours.
In a real world example, Obedience certificates are not particularly helpful to teach a dog not to eat the furniture, but tremendously successful in teaching a dog to walk socially with a human or recall when asked.
Certificates are gained in the following succession:
This is a Certificate completed by enrolling in the equivalent Half Term course (6 weeks) that, like all courses, occurs the same day each week. Foundation obedience learning includes the following learnt behaviours:
- Clicker installation
- Sit
- Down
- Recall
- Social Walking (Loose leash walking)
- Introduction and implementation of termination and non-termination markers
The reliance level is to our Primary standard, which is that the dog will display the correct behaviours within environments that are familiar and free from high distraction. In our Secondary Certificate, the reliance level is achieved to secondary standard, explained below.
This is a Certificate completed by enrolling in the equivalent Full Term course (12 weeks) that, like all courses, occurs the same day each week.
This certificate continues to build on the foundation learnings of the Primary Obedience Standard Certificate detailed above but also adds Place/Mat Education.
The key achievement of this certificate is that the obedience reliance level is to our Secondary standard, which is that the dog will display the correct behaviours within most environments under most situations. This is a significant increase in reliance of the displayed behaviours that allows the handler to trust the dogs obedience in real world conditions.
To achieve this, this certificate focuses heavily on increasing the 3 D’s; Distance, Distraction and Duration of the dog's obedience behaviours which pushes the obedience expectations to a further more advanced level.
Certificates must be completed in succession meaning that the Primary Certificate qualifies the dog to enter into the Secondary Certificate.
The dog will be assessed at the end of each full/half term course required for the relevant certificate. If the dog successfully passes all component's requirements, they will be awarded the relevant certificate.
Unique to the Obedience program, we expect the student to be graduated at the end of the course, being half term for Standard Obedience and the full term for Advanced Obedience. If this does not occur and the student does not pass the final examinations, you are able to enrol your dog for Wolfhouse’s Standard Enrolment and we will complete the addition obedience education free of charge until the dog passes and is graduated.
Standard Obedience Half Term Course $599
Advanced Obedience Full Term Course $1199
*Pricing subject to change per term due to public holiday closure impacts
Enrolling your dog in an Obedience Certificate is easy, you just simply enrol the course through our portal.
This program only contains one certificate, the creatively titled Elective Education Certificate. This program is a simpler form of education that commonly takes a small ‘elective’ part of either the Behaviour Modification or Obedience programs and only focusses on a singular objective.
Set elective commonly of any of the Behaviour Modification or Obedience certificates. We say commonly because this program is also used for anything outside the OB or BMOD programs. Want to teach your dog to grab a drink from the fridge? Ride a skateboard? Answer the door bell by opening the door for guests? This is it! This program is customised to anything you'd like your dog to learn!
In an Obedience categorised elective, concentrating on only the dog’s ability to walk socially is perfect for elective education, where learning all of the general obedience commands is what the Obedience certificate is designed to achieve.
In a Behaviour Modification categorised elective a dog that displays low level reactivity when touching its paws is perfect for Elective Education, in contrast to a dog that displays general reactivity to strangers which is where the Behaviour Modification program would be required.
Certain education and behaviours may require the Behaviour Modification Program to be completed and this Elective Education is not appropriate. This will always be advised in detail after the first day post our initiation ritual.
Elective Education Half Term Course $599
Elective Education Single Class $100
To enrol your dog to study an elected area of education, simply enrol in the Elective Education course or class through our portal.
To discuss what you'd like to achieve using our Elective Education program, add an Academic Check Out to your enrolment and speak with an Academic Team Member on what's possible!
Co-op Courses. You and your dog, on campus in group classes!
Almost always, a human's physical adventure finishes at the campus gates when dropping off or picking up your doggo from a day at campus.
But what if you could learn with them!
The Monarch Movement brings the family on campus with their dogs in our Co-op courses. This is where Academic Team in cooperation with the family and their dog, complete the education in a cooperative, collaborative, safe group environment. Classes sizes can be up to 8 dogs with their family dependant on the course and have their very own certificates that can be learnt within the programs mentioned above. For Term 1, we will be launching the below certificates:
This is a Certificate completed by enrolling in the equivalent Co-op Half Term course (6 weeks) that occurs the same time and day each week. Foundation obedience learning includes the following learnt behaviours:
- Introduction and implementation of termination, non-termination and duration markers
- Enrichment & Education: Giving your dog what it needs to thrive
- Public Application: How to set your dog up for success in public
- Lost up *SIT* Creek? What to do when it doesn't go to plan
- Clicker installation
- Sit
- Down
- Recall
- Social Walking (Loose leash walking)
- Place
- Leave
- Out
- Middle
- Introduction to Heel
The reliance level is to our Primary standard, which is that the dog will display the correct behaviours within environments that are familiar and free from high distraction. You may note that this certificate also shares similar goals with our non Co-op Standard Obedience. Whilst there are added features of this certificate, the shared goals will be completed to the same Primary standard enabling students to graduate between Primary and Secondary certificates in the Co-op and non Co-op options.
The goal of this course is to utilise the fundamentals of obedience taught in previous courses and increase criteria of this obedience such as distraction, distance and duration. Part A implements the proofing stage of obedience which is then taken up a level into Part B, our final obedience course for this certificate, which solidifies the dogs obedience further.
Teaching puppies education that we deem is fundamental to setting them up for success for the rest of their life is something we have always done on campus from day one. Now, you get to do it with them!!
You can bet that this will not be your regular puppy school offered by anyone that's had a puppy before. Our certificate will teach genuine life skills, include all the standard stuff like obedience and setting your puppy up right at home, but in true Wolfhouse fashion you can add puppy socialisation, swim classes, desensitisation to storms/fireworks/noises, confidence building and every other form of foundation learning we provide already on campus. Here is a brief overview:
- Meet and greets
- Neutrality around new dogs
- Play Style initiation/adaptation
- Greeting people including children
- Reinforcing desired behaviour in social settings
- Larger dog group socialisation
- Human Handling
- Sounds & Textures
- Water Confidence & Swimming
- Strange Objects
- Costumes & Human
- Reinforcement
- Name Recognition
- Clicker Installation
- Sits & Downs
- Word Cues and what they mean
- Crate/Den/Safe Place Education
- Recalls
- Tethering
- Social Walking
- Leave it
- Out
The goal of this certificate is to introduce the fundamental skills that all pups working on behaviour modification should be extremely confident with. These skills not only provide the dogs with a necessary canine educational foundation, but gives the you the family the confidence and ability to set their pups up for success in their educational journey. Completion of this certificate is required for participation in more advanced Co-Op Behaviour Modification Certificates.
- Clicker use and its relationship with reinforcement.
- Tool talk! When are slips leashes, pressure collars, front pull/back pull harnesses useful. What other tools could be helpful?
- Muzzle Education and the benefits of muzzle training, conditioning a muzzle, increasing criteria
(duration, distraction), correct sizing of muzzle and breaking down the muzzle stigma. - Place Education and how to use your dog's safe place appropriately in your home.
- Back tying and how to correctly secure your dog during educational sessions.
- Social Walking and leash pressure education.
- Name recognition and Recalls.
- Crate training and its impact/value in Behaviour Modification Education.
- General Leash handling around how to hold a leash, correct use of appropriate tension and pressure, incorporating pressure as an activator and lastly, how your stress can feeds down the leash.
Co-op Expanded Standard Obedience Primary Certificate Course: Regular Retail Price $299
Co-op Expanded Advanced Obedience Secondary Certificate Part A Regular Retail Price $349
Co-op Puppy Foundation Education Certificate Course Regular Retail Price $299
Co-op Behaviour Modification Foundations Certificate Regular Retail Price $249
Visit the Customer PORTAL below to enrol into Monarch Movement Education:
All Co-op courses are available at the Hamilton Campus.
Only COPF1 & COOB2 available at Carindale Campus.
The Monarch Movement Community: An Invaluable Online Networking Resource
This movement is special. We're sure you've felt that vibe already. One of the biggest ways this movement kicks goals is the strength in its community. Delivered on the very familiar Facebook Groups platform, The Monarch Movement community includes certified trainers, that is our Academic Team, who are available to offer support outside of the traditional check in/check out windows. Every student and family a part of this movement has an opportunity to join as well, so you are surrounded by families who might be experiencing everything you are and professionals available for advice!
Fundamentally it is a place of support, knowledge and openness with content curated by the Academic team to delivering a truely unique networking experience and a genuine feeling of community.
To join the community, it is as simple as enrolling in ANY Monarch Movement program, any course or class. Once you have completed the enrolment process you are free to apply to join the group which can be done using the below button:
Also! Its membership is for life. So even if you've graduated and no longer visiting campus, we encourage you to continue to be a part of the movement for as long as you like!
Download the Monarch Movement Academic Calendar:
Need more information?
More information on Wolfhouse & Monarch Movement Off Campus Consultations:
Like to see what non Co-op puppy school is all about Mon-Fri on campus?
Like to get in touch with the Campus Dean to discuss what's right for your family?
Like to find out how to join the team and become a Monarch Movement educator?
Monarch Movement Cancellations & Refund Policy
The Monarch Movement's policies around cancellations and refunds fall out side of the general terms regarding Wolfhouse Standard Enrolments or previous BMOD, EMOD and Obedience enrolments.
Strictly, cancellations/absenteeism/truancy to any days enrolled into for courses or classes once the term has commenced incur no options for additional days to make up the missed day or discounts to the course/class/term fees. There are unfortunately, no exceptions to this policy. Enrolling into the course indicates that you have accepted these terms.
Similar to the vast majority of human educational courses, if you are to miss a day, then the day is missed. Similar to say sending your child to school, if you or the small human is unable to make a day of school, then that day is missed. You do not receive a discount of term fees or an invitation to visit their campus after hours to make up the day, it is simply missed.
Unfortunately we do need to be strict with cancellations to ensure maximum commitment to the program to achieve the highest level of structure and continuity in the dog's education. Of course, if your dog does miss a day the team will go to extra lengths to ensure the impact to the education is as minimum as possible.
For more information, a full policy is made available upon enrolment.