Afternoon on Campus
Continuing on from last weeks update, Just Your Average Morning at Wolfhouse Husky Bros take you behind the scenes at an afternoon on campus for the 2 team Wolfhouse Huskies.

Tuuq says:
Just woke up from my mid day nap and Mum says I can go back out on the Campus! I am pretty pumped about that, as I am sure I have missed out on all sorts of stuff while I have been asleep! Mum says naps are vital though – for all the pups on Campus, to make sure no-one gets grumpy with each other!

Anuk says:
Yeah, that’s just for you dude. She hasn’t said that to anyone else. All the pups just means you. It’s a ‘Mum’ way of not hurting your feelings. I mean I could be let loose too, but I quite enjoy this whole nap thing. You know, leadership is exhausting. While Tuuq is off having fun in the big area with Mum and Ollie, I get to spend some time in the middle area with Dad and Daisy. Dad keeps prattling on to other humans about how this area is mentally challenging. I don’t mind a bit of food for the mind and whilst he isn’t wrong, I feel like he tells too many humans about it. If he keeps it up, all the challenges will be solved! Like, I haven’t figured out this thing Dad calls Indiana’s Bridge. I just can’t get my balance right on the thing. Much respect for Daisy though, she ran straight up. Has to be a small dog thing..

Tuuq says:
Ha! Outwitted by something a quarter of his size, sounds like Anuk. Whilst he’s feeding his head or whatever he said, Ollie and I are blazing through the agility course. We are a good pair because we are both quick and we both aren’t too keen on this moving tree thing mum calls a seesaw. I just don’t see the point in doing the thing. I mean, running around it is way faster. I’m trying to show Ollie how cool the mountain is. I mean you can see the whole campus from the top! Ollie doesn’t mind exploring it with me, but it isn’t his favourite thing. He loves to run and there is only one place for that!

Anuk says:
Daisy is pretty cool for a fluff ball. Heaps of confidence, she ain’t scared of anything and doesn’t force me to play with her. But, maybe a little too much confidence. And that noise, even for a dog, that squeak she does will send me deaf. There is a new smell here too, I smelt it a little yesterday, it’s some sort of foreign animal from far away. I haven’t met it before. But it must live here when we go, Mum and Dad can’t be applying it every day, don’t they know what that stuff is? Humans are way weird… I can’t figure out whether this smell is something to eat or stay away from, best not to find out. Mum says this animal is called Wild Boar, whatever that is. But anyway back to Daisy, something super funny to watch is Dad play this game with Daisy, but only Daisy is playing. She keeps breaking into the fabric house full of balls when it isn’t open, he keeps getting her out. Over and over again. But it’s like trying to stop the sun rising with Daisy. I love Dad, but did he really think he could put something as awesome as hundreds of balls in that fabric house thing and think, yeah, that will stop them. I mean if Mum told us not too, that’s a different story, her percentage of giving treats when we do what we are told is, like 96%. That is pretty well perfect in the dog world. If someone hasn’t told y’all this, this percentage is like, the most important thing when grading parents. It is talked about frequently around the water bowl.

Tuuq says:
That is true, Mum’s percentage is outstanding. But Dad put’s more effort into play I reckon, he loves running around with us! After a bit of racing around the big zone Dad switches with Mum and comes in for a play. Dad has all the toys and he loves to chase us. Sometimes I make it easy on him and run at quarter pace so he can keep up. After a quick play with Ollie and Dad, he takes us into the running zone. He calls it the Raceway. No idea what ‘way’ is but I do love a race. Today he is mixing it up between running with all of us up and down and throwing the ball. I’m not a huge ball guy but Ollie likes it and so does Daisy and I LOVE to chase. So I’m down with that. Eventually Mum comes in and swaps with Dad so he can take our picture whilst we are running. This is freaking hilarious, he shows us the pics after we do it. Some of the pics are the funniest things I have ever seen. Then it’s time for another nap, but this time we just chill in the middle zone with Anuk. The beds in this place are pretty awesome. Not a bad one in the bunch. Ollie and Daisy are now good friends and we watch them play away between yawns..

Anuk Says:
When I wake back up again the sun has almost gone outside, Tuuq’s already back out playing with Ollie and Daisy. I’m pretty happy to see this. Tuuq is awesome but I’m soooo happy Ollie and Daisy are making him tired. I like play as much as the next Husky but Tuuq is like a ‘Never Say Die’ player. He will keep going until Mum or Dad put us to bed. Then all of a sudden Daisy’s Mum is here. Mum and Daisy’s Mum spend a little bit of time talking about what she had learnt and asking Daisy to show her. I like watching this. There is something satisfying at the sight of another canine getting an education. But I’m kind of a Dog Philosopher so it’s probably just a me thing.

Tuuq Says:
Bahahaha, Oh My Dog, seriously Dog Philosopher? What’s the subject sleeping? How to look like a racoon? How much fluff in your tail is too much this summer? This guy… Whilst Anuk is being a Dog Philosopher (again, really??) Ollie’s Mum is here for him too! Mum and Dad help Ollie into his things and talk with his mum about how he is doing. For a guy that was a bit scared, he loves coming here to see us. He has so much fun. Normally there is more friends, but even when there isn’t and we can just chill for a bit more of the day, it’s a heck of a day out! Then it’s time to go home. I watch the bright lights fly by as Anuk sleeps in the car. Mum and Dad talk about the things we have done well and other things they need to spend more time on with us but I miss most of it as I fall in and out of sleep.

Anuk says:
Finally we are home. We love home, almost as much as the campus. All our toys, my balls, I love my balls, my bed. I can’t wait for bed, but not until after Dinner. I’m not a big eater. It’s a lifestyle choice that Mum and Dad aren’t huge fans of. I’m fluffy enough for 2 Huskies, I don’t want people thinking it’s because I sleep all day. But Dad asks me to eat my dinner and I get half of it down. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow. Then it’s off to bed! Dad takes Tuuq and I to our bed, that’s beside Mum and Dad’s big bed. He tucks us in by lying us in the right position we like and turns on this loud wind maker thing called a fan. If Dad doesn’t tuck us in I have trouble sleeping and I wake up all night. He’s a good Dad. Mum pops in to make sure we are all ok too, they both give us a hug and then it’s off to sleep. Ready for fun all over again tomorrow. Mmmmm I love my bed…