Carindale and Hamilton Campus – Student Teacher Submission

Student Teacher Application Process

So you are here to apply for the Student Teacher role at the Carindale Campus, how exciting!

We receive hundreds of applications for positions at Wolfhouse so it is critical you follow the application steps to be considered.

Applying to Wolfhouse has 2 parts, Your Submission & the DRACSIDE Questionnaire.


Your Submission!

Please observe the following instructions to successfully submit your application to be considered for this role.

  • One PDF Document which will include your Cover letter, resume/C.V. and Certificate or course payment tax invoice/receipt.
  • Your PDF Submission document should have the file name Role ID: Last Name, First Name (eg. CCD180514: Pointer, English
  • Emailed to . Email subject must be in the following format: Role ID: Last Name, First Name. Please state you preference of campus or if you are happy to be considered for either. 


All Academic Team members are either certified to be educating dogs or currently studying to become certified. So you need to be too! The minimum certification requirement is the Certificate III in Dog Training and Behaviour provided by Precise Training and NDTF. If you have alternate or additional certification, this should also be provided to be considered.

Simply, that means you need to provide:

A) Your certificate if you have graduated.


B) Tax Invoice of your course payment as proof of enrolment/commitment. You may need to request this prior to applying from the course provider if not given to you automatically.

The DRACSIDE Questionnaire!

Simply click on the link below and complete the questionnaire. This will take approximately 45 minutes, so make sure you are prepared to focus!