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How do we educate our pupils here on campus?
Wolfhouse is for all Dogs, all Adventure and all Education. First time? Let us share with you a little piece of who we are.
Straight up, we don't love going by Wolfhouse Dog Daycare & Training and we'll tell you why:
Firstly, Wolfhouse is so much more than the current standard for dog daycare and dog training. We are unbelievably unique and diverse in how we approach what we do. Breaking the mould of what traditional day care and dog training is. Our campuses are the first piece to the puzzle about why we are so effective; it's nothing but 100% wilderness inspired enrichment tailored perfectly for the dogs as animals, intertwined with progressive, dynamic canine education! This environment transports your canine to another world. A world of learning, safety, positive energy, experiences, adventures, challenges and results.
Like schools for our little humans, Wolfhouse does not discriminate between dogs of varying social skills or behavior and personality types. Rehabilitating rescue dogs is where the founders started the concept of Wolfhouse; including some horrific cases at that, so their ethos and method of providing support to all dogs is systemic through the entire brand. Wolfhouse team dogs are on campus every day. An environment of safety for everyone with support to all dogs, even those that have been turned away elsewhere, can be achieved with us. Your dogs are family here.
We take all of the experience of being in any National Park the world over and bring it into a controlled environment. Introducing adventure to revolutionise the traditional doggy daycare experience is instrumental in having an unprecedented impact on our pupils. Our mentality is to appease the inner wolf in all dogs. That primal urge to run, climb, swim, smell, explore and jump is in every single dog. As a result of our design, we create an environment where they are engaged, exercised, socialised and challenged. Mentally and physically. It's all about biologically specific fulfilment.
Wolfhouse can conquer everything canine education from behavioural development areas such as boredom frustration, anxiety, fear or aggression based behaviours, to general and puppy obedience, to support and service skills plus complex skills with high accuracy off lead. What's complex skills? Want your dog to open and greet guests at the door? Butler a beverage from the fridge? Find your keys? Wolfhouse can do it with all breeds. We genuinely mean all. We also absolutely work with rescues and the tremendous organisations that support them. We teach them how to dog again, because the simple fact is that some cannot. Wolfhouse can deliver a tailored approach for you and your dog's educational needs!
Now you can see why we don't love going by Wolfhouse Dog Daycare & Training. As simply, no one has seen something like us before. That's why we are:
Wolfhouse. All Dog All Adventure All Education.